Quarter Century · (N) A period of 25 years
3:11 PM
I completely forgot to even post anything about turning 25 at the beginning of the month! Well to be honest I wasn't really looking forward to it, the days leading up to my birthday I would be pretty upset thinking about celebrating my birthday without my family and friends. Although I did request to have a family dinner with my landlord and her family. I received 2 cakes - it was super sweet and I really appreciate it.
BUT I still would of really have loved to celebrate it with the people I love. All is good but because I know when I get back I'll be able to have a belated celebration.
I do honestly feel that over the past 2 years I've grown a little bit more and have changed. My relationship with my sister has changed immensely and I am really thankful for it. I hope I can continue to grow and improve on myself and become the best version of myself.