Just a little history on my skin, I originally wrote lengthy post but felt like it was just a lot of babble. I'll keep it short and simple
Depending on the facial it could take 1-2hours. At first I was going once a week for 1-2 months to get rid of all the bad stuff. I've reduce the appointments to once ever 2 weeks and the goal is to keep reducing until I would only have to go in once a month.. I try to follow the below routine every morning/night.
- My skin during HS was normal besides from the occasional pimple here and there nothing major
- Started taking the pill in 2011 - skin still fine
- Fast forward to mid 2015, I got off the pill.. it was fine for a few months but I noticed little bumps all over my forehead. Eventually it turned into bigger more painful pimples
- I try using SKII (which was what I used before I got off the pill) - no changes. I started using my clarisonic with Cetaphil - nothing again. So I tried Philosopy's Purity... same nothing changed. Next up was Mario Badescu's Acne cleanser (according to the reviews, it was really good) buttttttt again nothing. At this point it had been 8-9 months since I got off the pill.
- I should add that I was using Neutrogena's Hyrdoboost Gel Moisturiser
- I spoke to one of my girlfriends and she recommended I go see her beautician. I booked myself in and the first thing she said was "Your skin is very oily.. what products are you using?" She proceeded to tell me the products I was using were too harsh and that I was stripping my skin and putting a moistriser on that was making my skin oiler instead of balancing it out.
- My First facial was a deep clean with Centella.
- Exfoilator
- Deep Clean - Under the steamer for 20-30mins, removal or all blackhead/pimples
- Micro Dermabrasion
- Centella Peel (stung like hell) - Kills all bacteria
- Centella Camphor Mask
- High Frequency Machine - Kills all remaing bacteria and if they "zap" a stubborn pimple it will just basically die
- Centella Hungary's Royal Water Lotion
- Algae Mask
- Centella Face Serum
- Hydraflore Moisturising Soothing Cream - For the 1st month I went once a week, the Centella products help purge my skin until it finally settled after 2 months.
Depending on the facial it could take 1-2hours. At first I was going once a week for 1-2 months to get rid of all the bad stuff. I've reduce the appointments to once ever 2 weeks and the goal is to keep reducing until I would only have to go in once a month.. I try to follow the below routine every morning/night.
- Centella - Face Cleansing Gel (White Hibiscus - Aloe Vera)
"This gental foaming gel is perfect for daily cleansing. It leaves the skin clean and fresh" - Centella - Hungary's Royal Water Lotion (Spray bottle) - like a toner
"Refreshing and revitalising beauty lotion" - Centella - Face Serum
This serum helps with scars, 3 drops it all you need and just pat onto your face - Hydraflore - Moisturising Soothing Cream
"Moisturising, regulating and anti-ageing"
- Centella - Sun Tan Cream (High Protection)
This sunscreen is basically like zinc, you need to mix it with a moisturiser. I use this only in the morning - Centella - Camphor Mask
I use this mask once every 2 weeks, but mainly as spot treatment - Bioline - 24.7 Naturalbalance
This s an exfoliator/mask I use 2x a week. I put it on and after 10mins use my Clarisonic to help take off the dead skin.
The Centella range of products are 100% active ingredients, I think they are also organic (don't quote me). When I get around to it I'll take a before and after photo of my skin in its current state. By no means I'm saying it is perfect, I hope it will continue to improve.
That's all for today, see you soon!